Nullam non orci vitae sapien molestie porttitor. Aliquam mollis, nunc eget viverra convallis, dui ante vulputate justo, ac ultrices metus neque in nisl. Pellentesque metus odio, luctus nec semper scelerisque, vestibulum vel orci. Maecenas leo dui, euismod vel libero id, viverra finibus justo. Ut vel dignissim augue. Suspendisse venenatis metus eu quam pretium maximus. Curabitur nec purus nibh. Nullam in mi quis nunc molestie fringilla. Sed cursus tortor dictum accumsan ornare. Integer lobortis felis ac neque vulputate, volutpat venenatis arcu scelerisque.
notOK is a free app that features a large, red button that can be activated to let close friends, family and their support network know help is needed. Users can add up to five trusted contacts as part of their support group so when they hit the digital panic button, a message along with their current GPS location is sent to their contacts. The message reads: “Hey, I’m not OK! Please call, text or come find me.”
Quit That!
Quit That! is a completely free app that helps users beat their habits or addictions. Whether you’re looking to stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking, or stop taking drugs, it’s the perfect recovery tool to track and monitor your progress. Track as many vices as you want and find out how many minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years it’s been since you quit.
(Free; Download for iOS)
Calm provides people experiencing stress and anxiety with guided meditations, sleep stories, breathing programs and relaxing music. This app is truly universal; whether you’ve never tried meditation before or regularly practice, you’ll find the perfect program for you.
Part personal journal and part mood tracker, IMoodJournal can be used to record everything from mood and symptoms, to sleep, medications and energy cycles. By tracking these various factors, you’re able to analyze your daily feelings through summary charts that indicate where your stress levels rise and fall.